Baby Luv
Lee Ann, a troubled and pregnant teenager whose existence revolves in and around downtown Los Angeles, a world of desolate streets and run-down tenements a million miles from the sunny city most of us know, agrees to sell her child to a middle-aged couple against the wishes of her artist boyfriend only to discover the couple has a secret even more troubling than her own.
- 英文名称
- Baby Luv
- 其它译名
- Babies for Sale ..... USA (DVD title)
- 对白语言
- 英语
- 出品时间
- 2000年11月
- 制片地区
- 美国
- 导演
- Robert Martin Carroll
- 编剧
- Dalene Young
- 类型
- 剧情
- 主演
- Christian Leffler / Mariam Parris / Danny Cistone
Free spirit Lee Ann plans to sell her baby to pay her rent, much to the dismay of her roommate.
Lee Ann, a troubled and pregnant teenager whose existence revolves in and around downtown Los Angeles, a world of desolate streets and run-down tenements a million miles from the sunny city most of us know, agrees to sell her child to a middle-aged couple against the wishes of her artist boyfriend only to discover the couple has a secret even more troubling than her own.
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