- 银月亮
- silbermond
- 2001年
- Pop rock,German rock
主唱:Stefanie Kloss(呢称:"Steffi") 生日:31.10.1984
鼓手:Andreas Nowak(呢称:"Nowi") 生日:30.12.1982
贝司:Johannes Stolle(呢称:"Hannes") 生日:23.06.1982
吉他:Thomas Stolle 生日:23.09.1983
COMET 2007
"Bester Live-Act" "Best Live Act"
"Bester Song" (Das Beste) "Best Song" (The Best)
"Bester Download-Song" (Das Beste) "Best Download Song" (The Best)
ECHO 2007 ECHO 2007
"Bester Live-Act national" "Best live act nationally"
"Hit des Jahres" (Das Beste) "Hit of the Year" (The Best)
Hughes & Kettner - Nationaler Endorser des Jahres 2006 Hughes & Kettner - 2006
Fred-Jay-Preis 2006 Fred--2006
EinsLive Krone 2005 - "Beste Band" EinsLive crown 2005 - "Best Band"
COMET 2005 - "Bester Live-Act" COMET 2005 - "Best Live Act"
BRAVO Otto 2005 - "Superband Pop" BRAVO Otto 2005 - "Super Pop Band"
ECHO 2005 - "Bester Newcomer national" ECHO 2005 - "Best Newcomer national"
Radio Regenbogen Award 2005 - "Newcomer 2004" Radio Rainbow Award 2005 - 2004 "
BZ Kulturpreis 2005 - "Pop" BZ Culture Prize in 2005 - "Pop"
EinsLive Krone 2004 - "Bester Newcomer" EinsLive crown 2004 - "Best Newcomer"
New Faces Award 2004 - "Beste Band" New Faces Award 2004 - "Best Band"
Lucky Star 2003 - Platz 2 Lucky Star 2003 - Place 2
Soundcheck 2001 - Platz 2 Soundcheck 2001 - Place 2
Music Act 2001 Music Act 2001
Beat 2000 Beat 2000