2002 年3 月至今
时间序列分析 多元分析 非参数统计 非参及稳健性统计 测度论及概率 矩阵论及在统计中的应用 点估计 假设检验 助步法及应用 高等统计 概率中的极限定理 数学分析 实分析 特征函数 统计导论 分析概率论
在《Annals of Probability》、《Annals of Statistics》和《Biometrika》等顶级概率统计杂志发表论文20余篇,另还有近20篇乃应邀为各学术专著所写的章节。
对“大维随机矩阵的谱分析理论”的研究取得重要结果,就此发表论文24篇,其中9篇发表在《Annals of Probability》上,被SCI引用近300次。
首次提出 “Partial Cramer条件”的概念,填补了没有Cramer条件不能渐进展开的空白。
部分成果被收入《Handbook of Statistics》中。
Web of Science上的数学家排名为404/1147。
Bai, Z. D., Miao, B. Q. and Jin, B. S. (2007).On limit theorem for the eigenvalues of product of two random matrices. Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 98:76–101.
Bai, Z. D., Lee, S. C. and Penrose M. D. (2006). Rooted edges of a minimal directed spanning tree on random points. Adv. Appl. Prob(SGSA). 38:1-30.
Yan, X. Y., Cheng Y. and Bai, Z. D. (2006).Asymptotics of adaptive design with two alternating generating matrices. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference.
Bai, Z. D., Devroye L., Hwang, H. K. and Tsung-Hsi Tsai. (2005). Maxima in hypercubes. Random structure and algorithms.
Bai Z. D. and YAO, J. (2005). On the convergence of the spectral empirical process of Wigner matrices. Bernoulli
Bai, Z. D. and Hu, F. F. (2005). Asymptotics in randomized urn models. Ann. Appl. Probab.
Bai, Z. D. and Silverstein, J. W. (2004). CLT for linear spectral statistics of large-dimensional sample covariance matrices. Ann. Probab.
8. Bai, Z. D. and He, X. M. (2004). A chi-square test for dimensionality with non-Gaussian data. J. Multivariate Anal.
Bai, Z. D., Chen, M. and Li, G. (2003). Rank estimation for longitudinal data with subject attrition due to response selection. Sankhya 65: 72--90.
Chen, Y. M., Chen, G. J., Bai, Z. D. and Hu, F. F. (2003). Some results on two-stage clinical trials. Acta Math. Appl. Sin. Engl. Ser. 19: 447--458.
Bai, Z. D., Miao, B. Q. and Yao, J. F. (2003). Convergence rates of spectral distributions of large sample covariance matrices. SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. 25:105-127 (electronic).
Bai, Z. D., Hwang, H. K. and Tsai, T. H. (2003). Berry-Esseen bounds for the number of maxima in planar regions. Electron. J. Probab. 8: 26 pp. (electronic).
Bai, Z. D., Chen, Z. H. and Wu, Y. H. (2003). Convergence rate of the best-r-point-average estimator for the maximizer of a nonparametric regression function. J. Multivariate Anal. 84:319--334.
已出版《Ranked Set Sampling》、《Spectral Analysis of Large Dimensional Random Matrices》和《概率不等式》等专著。